Avulsions in the Public Land Survey System

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Course Description

This course provides students with a case study that examines the division of the bed of the abandoned channel of a non-navigable river. Students must utilize their knowledge and experience, the 2009 Manual, in addition to “Public Lands Surveying, A Casebook“, to pass a course test.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the steps necessary to make a determination that a change was avulsive as opposed to an accreted.
  • Determine the proper survey procedures to determine the boundaries of the affected land parcels.
  • Determine the medial line along the center of the channel and how the adjoin properties would deal with that.

Course Instructor:

Dennis J. Mouland (bio)



Please print the Course Map before you begin to help guide you through the course.

Each course has a study guide associated with it. The study guide is 26 pages and contains everything you need to complete this course. It is included here as a PDF file should you choose to print.

Avulsions in the Public Land Survey Study Guide

Upon reaching the final quiz, you must answer at least 80% of the questions correctly to achieve a passing grade. Retakes are limited to once per 24 hour period.